Dr Colette Sims, BSc, BVMS

Meet Dr. Colette, a passionate veterinarian dedicated to providing top-notch care for your beloved pets. Graduating from Murdoch University in 2012, Dr. Colette embarked on a journey that initially led her through a career in organic chemistry and drug discovery. However, her lifelong dream of working with animals beckoned, and she eventually pursued her calling to become a veterinarian. With a warm and welcoming approach, Dr. Colette takes great joy in meeting clients and their furry companions. She understands the importance of creating a comfortable environment during vet visits and values collaboration with pet owners to ensure the best possible outcomes for their beloved animals. Beyond her veterinary practice, Dr. Colette leads an active lifestyle filled with adventure. She finds solace in traveling, camping, hiking, and participating in ultramarathons. Recently, she has embraced the challenge of triathlons, aspiring to conquer the full Ironman distance in the future. At home, Dr. Colette shares her life with two spirited canine companions, Snowy Jackson and Mishka, who constantly keep her on her toes. You might even catch them enjoying treats together in the clinic garden!

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