Puppy School

It’s time for school!

Owning a puppy is a huge responsibility! Your puppy is dependent on you for many things including shelter, food and companionship. In addition to these basic needs, you are responsible for your puppy’s behaviour and obedience training. If done properly your puppy will have a better chance to grow into a happy, well-adjusted adult with whom you can enjoy many years to come….

Testimonial: ““I really enjoyed the puppy talk with the Vet Connection, the information provided was very interesting, informative and helpful. It will definitely help me with raising my puppy. I think this is a great idea for new puppy owners or people thinking about getting a puppy. This is particularly useful for people who have never had a dog before so that they can know what to expect when buying a puppy. “ Alannah Carroll

Give your puppy the best start...

The most vital stage in your puppy’s behavioural development is between 8 to 13 weeks of age. During this time puppies learn how to respond to our world and how they are meant to act in it.
Puppy school provides a safe, controlled environment for puppies to learn social skills and basic training. Puppies are taught using positive reinforcement techniques and basic obedience commands such as sit, drop, come and walking on a lead are all covered. We will also help you with advice regarding toilet training, digging, biting, jumping etc.

Testimonial “The night at The Vet Connection was great, really informative and the classes were so much fun. Can’t recommend these classes enough!” Dylan, Hannah & Kona

What happens at classes?

Puppy classes are held on Sundays starting at 1:30pm till 2:30pm. The course consists of four sessions held over 4 weeks.

All breeds of puppies are welcome but they must be aged between 8 and 13 weeks on week 1 to commence the course and they must have received their first vaccination. Family members, including children (over 7 years) are encouraged to attend the classes to learn the techniques for socialising and training your puppy.

Testimonial “These classes are not to be missed! . The information that we got there was invaluable and changed the way we went about socialising our new puppy. Also the information about how vaccinations worked really allowed us to be confident that what we were doing was the right thing”. Mia, Wayne & Orlando

What does it Cost?

The cost for the entire four week course is $110.00 and this includes:

  • 4 x training sessions with your pup*
  • ‘Practical information for new puppy parents’ booklet
  • Graduation certificate
  • A tour of the hospital
  • And plenty of treats!

*If your puppy is unwell and cannot attend a class you can still attend the class to learn the skills that you need to continue with your puppies training.

How to Book?

Bookings are essential and classes fill up quickly. Either call the clinic or click the tab below to register your interest now.

“My little dog - a heartbeat at my feet”

Edith Wharton

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