At The Vet Connection we are passionate about good dental health in pets. We have all had a tooth ache at some point and we remember how painful it is. How does your pet tell you they have a tooth ache? The simple answer is they can’t. I have had people say that because their pet is still eating the pets teeth must be fine. Even if I had a tooth ache, I would still eat. But it would not be enjoyable or fun.
So how do we know if your pet has dental disease? First your pet is placed under a light general anaesthetic and his or her mouth is thoroughly examined just like when we go to the dentist. Unfortunately up to 50% of dental disease can occur below the gum line. That means that without taking dental xrays a lot of dental disease can be missed. Therefore we recommend dental radiographs routinely and it is amazing how much painful dental disease we find. Two weeks after the dental procedure we book a follow up dental consult where we design a dental health care plan that suits your pets and your individual needs. We then set up six monthly reminders for a complimentary follow up dental check. Just like us, even with good dental management, your pet may still need further dental scale and polishes in the future.